Top Ten reasons I should work for Hootsuite #6 – Big Thursdays

Good evening to all the dreamers,

This is my son. Zen.


How does one gain this type of expertise? Trying. So I decided that, I will show him the biggest world possible, while I try to live the biggest life possible. My wanting to discover the world with and for him as much as possible, I started taking my son out for adventures. He is 3 old going on 4 so as much as is age appropriate we do. In this doing I noticed a pattern we usually had our adventure on thursdays. So, Big thursdays.

On Big Thursdays we have ventured to almost everywhere in the lower mainland.

Fastest Land Animal.

The Greater Vancouver Zoo, The Aquarium, The Lynn Valley Ecology Centre, The Light Festival on the drive, The Buddhist Temple in Richmond, The Apple Barn, The Honey Bee Centre. I could list and put pictures to everything in BC, figuratively but closing in on literally. Hopefully my son gains exposure to the widest possibly variety of people and places available to him currently, and that I get damn good at planning interesting trips. So my plan is to guide him through Big Thursdays until he is old enough to guide me. To be completely honest in trying to hyperlink everything, and include pictures I’ve lost the momentum of where I was guiding this post, Possibly the hour bears some relevancy as well, to the losing of the plot. For now I will say this I am passionate about these ‘special days’, I am grateful to be able to count these among my parenting experiences, and I am proud to tell the tale, short and incomplete as it is. I’m making connections for me and my family, in our brains, in our hearts, in our building, and neighborhood and city and somewhere in that I thought there was a shared connection with Hootsuite, and what the business of being social means to me. There is something in all this about leaving impressions, creating memories, introducing sensations, discovering the world around us, for all the sense this will not make, Im thrilled to be able to every week show my boy the world. I would love to be able to say I do this for Hootsuite. To be able to expand the energy I give and take out of Big Thursdays into the world at large to help people discover themselves and other explorers. That is exciting.

So excited Im going to go straight to sleep.

Thank you

Tomorrow Reason #5  – I Talk to Listen.

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